Somatic Restorative Healing Logo, foreground an ocean wave, background three co-circles.

Somatic Restorative Healing

Somatic Restorative Healing is based in Southern California (USA). I offer sessions online nationally and internationally. Office hours - most evenings and weekends.As a trauma-informed Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP) my approach is to meet clients where they are by creating a safe container. I support clients in regaining control in their lives. I bring a caring presence to support clients to process what needs to come to the surface.

How has Somatic Experiencing helped me?
I understand trauma and grief from personal experience. Healing by going within has allowed me to emerge with a more loving and compassionate heart.

Somatic Restorative Healing Logo, foreground an ocean wave, background three co-circles.

My name is Gricelda Alva-Brito. I am Somatic Experiencing ® (SE™) Practitioner, SEP. I completed my three year Professional Certificate program in September 2024. I began my professional trauma work with unaccompanied minors/refugees and at an emergency shelter for survivors of interpersonal harm. I worked as a family advocate at an emergency shelter and currently work as an advocate and educator with college survivors of interpersonal harm.I bring curiosity, creativity and intuitive knowing into the healing sessions.I look forward to walking this path of healing with you.

Relevant trainings
2020 - Train the Trainer, Healing through the Arts, CSU Shiley Institute
2022 - Nine-month training, Foundations of Contemplative Care, New York Zen Center.
2022 - Seven-month training, The Collective Healing Journey taught by Thomas Hübl, The Academy of Inner Science
2022 - Safe at Home Confidential Program Enrolling Agency Training - State of California Secretary of State

Somatic Experiencing ® (SE™) is a modality developed by Dr. Peter A. Levine. SE™ addresses healing the root of trauma and unresolved stress by working with the nervous system.
SOMATIC EXPERIENCING PROCESS: During and after a session, a client may experience emotions, body sensations such as tingling sensations, muscle movement, images, improved sleep, improved digestion, or memories. This is part of the process. The client and practitioner will work together to support the client in developing and staying within the client’s zone of resilience. Somatic experience works slowly by introducing small amounts of mildly activating stressful or traumatic events. The client always has a choice to stop the process if it does not feel right for them.
Link to Somatic Experiencing International in EnglishLink to Somatic Experiencing in Spanish - Enlace en español

Areas of Specialty
- Adults
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Grief and Loss
- Survivors of Interpersonal Harm
- Mindfulness
- Reclaiming Creativity and Joy
- Relational/Relationship Issues
- Survivors of Sexual abuse
- Transitions
Working with BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, immigrants and members of diverse communities

Billing - Somatic Restorative Healing can provide a good faith estimate & does not take insurance. Major credit & debit cards accepted.Scaling fee available
$60 - $85 for limited sliding scale sessions
$125 - $150 regular.
Email to Book a Discovery Call 20-30 minutePlease Email at: [email protected]


"Gris is insightful and offers an unique perspective. She has helped me find ways to ground myself when I don't feel at my best. Her gentle approach makes me feel safe and validates my experience."-- A.C."I started seeing Gricelda a few months ago online. She is one of the kindest and caring people I've ever met. From the first session, she has been helping me tremendously. Her approach is gentle and guiding and she is extremely intuitive to my needs. I've told her several times that I feel she has quite a gift and S.E. is definitely her calling. Gricelda and I have never met in person as we are on opposite coasts, but that does not affect our work together one bit.
I took some time to write this review because I wanted to fully express how amazing she is and how much improvement I've experienced already. I feel extremely safe with her, I appreciate the consistency and reliability and I always look forward to our sessions. I'm quite grateful for Gricelda and to her!" - -

Art Background & New Client Specials

During my free time I enjoy painting, nature photography and spending time outdoors.Link to Art Portfolium


This business would not be possible without the generous support of organizations such as:
Sheppard Mullin
San Diego & Imperial Small Business Development CenterSomatic Experiencing International
Somatic Therapy Maui